Lest we Forget


It’s that time of the year again, where Starbucks has the Pumpkin Spice Latte on the shelves, shops are bursting with festive fall decor, and major retailers have begun stocking up on Christmas items. After all, it’s the most wonderful time of year!

During this time, we also pass through November 11. At 11:00 a.m., we will hold a minute of silence as we boast our poppies with pride. We will post “Lest we Forget” messages on our social media channels, and then we’ll resume daily life and activity like nobody’s business.

It has been an interesting year so far, a year full of world issues both natural and man-made; issues revolving around hatred and intolerance; events have taken place that have reminded us of stories told of the Nazi era.   

Lest We Forget. Have we not forgotten the great soldiers, the brave warriors in and outside of the battlefield who stood against intolerance and hate so that we could enjoy a wonderful life full of love and freedom? Let’s take a moment to actually remember the sacrifices of our forefathers and their legacies, and take action to leave a world for our children that is full of love, valour, and glory.

Thank you to all of our readers and supporters, as always.



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Kanwalpreet Kaur
Kanwalpreet is the past editor-in-chief for Aaarzu Magazine and now handles the digital marketing side/social media/content. She loves to read, write and dream up new ideas all the time! If you'd like to ask her a question or get in touch, email her at kim@thesoireecompany.com to get a hold of her directly or send an email with content ideas to hello@aaarzumagazine.com!