How to Slice an Onion Without Crying


Anyone who loves to cook definitely hates to slice an onion.  I mean, after all, who really wants to redo their makeup or have mascara running down their face. Right, ladies? 

So, I went on a hunt on this trail called Google, and found an enchanted divine Goddess named Martha Stewart, with her infinite wisdom and I’m sharing it now with you. Try it and comment below on whether it worked or not. 

Happy slicing! 


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Kanwalpreet Kaur
Kanwalpreet is the past editor-in-chief for Aaarzu Magazine and now handles the digital marketing side/social media/content. She loves to read, write and dream up new ideas all the time! If you'd like to ask her a question or get in touch, email her at to get a hold of her directly or send an email with content ideas to!